Green light from Buffet

Posted by lindsay on June 16, 2014


Always happy to impart his wisdom, Warren Buffett continues to share his advice about possible investment opportunities. 

For those interested in property investment, Buffett says, “proceed” but always with the “utmost of care”. No opportunity should be entered into lightly, or without the proper, prior research. 

In an interview with CNBC he continued and said that, “with the right property management one can take advantage of the numerous single family homes available at discounted prices across America”. It a very attractive prospect he noted, because there is leverage to owning these properties. 

By purchasing a cheap family house, one can transform the investment into additional monthly earning through renting it out, and in turn service the low monthly rates, if a mortgage is borrowed. “If I had a way of buying a couple hundred thousand single-family homes and had a way of managing— I would load up on them.”